Thursday, 17 May 2012

PHOTOS: Calling All Cars + Strangers @ Hi Fi Bar

11 May 2012
Hi Fi Bar
Melbourne, Australia

Click here to view the full live gallery...

Being a hometown show for Calling All Cars, I rocked up to the Hi-Fi Bar on a wintery Melbourne, Friday night, expecting to be greeted by a reasonably packed house, so was somewhat amazed upon entry to find the Hi-Fi Bar pretty damn

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

PHOTOS: The Darkness @ The Palace

Click here to view the full gallery of photos...

Now here's one band I probably never anticipated getting the opportunity to photograph, heck, when The Darkness were last around, I don't think I even had ownership of an SLR.  

Heading to Australia with barely a few months notice, The Darkness announced their arrival back on the scene in the best way possible...with a 20 song something set of classics plus a bevy of new tracks.  What amazed me mostly was the sheer fact that after their hiatus, they sold out 2 shows at a pretty large venue @ The Palace.